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Showing posts from May, 2009

Southwest Ding requires an administrator to install

Seriously? I need to be an administrator to install the annoying little "you are now free to move about the country" notification icon? A limited user can install Firefox but can't install the Ding!? Bad programming if you ask me, but a simple fix: install on another machine as Administrator copy the file DingParser.dll from \windows\system (or system32, if that's where it ended up) to the \Program Files\Southwest\Ding folder zip up the Ding folder and copy it to the other computer, unzip it somewhere convenient, and put a shortcut in your Startup folder

Napster player 512 MB no longer syncs

This probably applies to any MTP sync'd device, but I'm specifically referring to the dmpj-210 512MB Napster player. It worked fine with Vista for years but suddenly was not recognized by the computer, and any attempts to reinstall the driver ended with a "code 10" error. If you've installed libusb-win32 for any reason (like, I don't know, to jailbreak an iPhone or iPod touch) then the problem is with the file libusb0.sys. Uninstalling libusb-win32 should restore Napster-to-go.