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Showing posts from 2008

Support thread for cidrss

Docs: Download: cidrss takes your caller-id log and publishes it in four different formats. It works with the two major CID programs on the Tivo, elseed and ncid , and requires the very excellent TivoWebPlus 2.x . This thread is the place to post questions and comments. I update the program all the time, so feel free to post feature requests too. If you find it useful, In lieu of a donation please go to and consider downloading a song or two by the author's musical group!

Vonage messages on your Tivo

There's a great Tivo application called TiVonage, which allow you to listen to and return Vonage calls right from your TV. It requires HME, which means that it's only compatible with standalone units or hacked DirecTV Tivos running the 6.3x software . That leaves out a lot of people, so I got to thinking about how it could be done on earlier software versions. If you have a hacked DirecTivo running the 6.2x software, and won't be upgrading (so as not to lose MRV) than this will at least let you hear your messages. Here's a list of necessary software: Voicemail Retriever JavaHMO Sox LAME This batch file 1) Create a folder on your Windows computer for your converted messages, then add a folder named MP3 inside it. Make sure it's in a shared directory, ie: XP - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Voicemail\MP3 Vista - C:\Users\Public\Voicemail\MP3 2) If you haven't already, install JavaHMO and get it working, then add the Music plugin. Add your...

Support thread for screentext

download: readme: Screentext is a TWP 2.1 module that outputs text directly to the TV screen. It works best with out2osd (which is usually installed with ncid) but will work with the Tivo's native text2osd also. All support questions should go here.

Run a batch file with Vista Task Scheduler

Go ahead, try it. Set it up correctly, enter your password if need be. It will NEVER run. This is good, since batch files are intrinsic to DOS/Windows; it would be a shame if they worked. Solution: If you get the error code 2147943726, it transl ates to " unknown user name or bad password". Evidently even if you supply your name/password, or perhaps the Administrator combo, Vista will still launch batch files as SYSTEM. Change user to SYSTEM, check "Run with highest privileges", and woohoo. ***EDIT*** If you have network drives referenced in your batch file, they won't be available unless you also have them mounted under SYSTEM. Probably easiest to reference them with the "\\computer\root\directory" syntax. "Easiest" being relative, here.